
I am a 32-year-old woman living in Romania. I have a one-year-old son living with me and my husband. I speak both English and Romanian and I live in the European time zone, but have worked with women from all over the world. (Am 32 de ani și locuiesc în Romania împreună cu soțul și fiul meu de 1 an. Vorbesc română și engleză, și am lucrat cu persoane din toată lumea.)
I have been in OA since 2012, and I have experienced a spiritual and emotional change as a result of following the directions from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. (De când am participat la prima mea întâlnire OA, în 2012, am experimentat o schimbare spirituală și emoțională importantă datorită aplicării indicațiilor din Cartea Mare a Alcoolicilor Anonimi.)
I have been recovered and slipped many times as a result of not following the directions thoroughly from the BB and I have had to live with the painful consequences. I have gone round in circles with this disease for many, many years, but have never given in to the idea that there is any other solution because I know for certain there isn't. I have a disease that is spiritual and therefore I need a spiritual solution to get me recovered. (M-am recuperat și am avut recăderi repetate ca rezultat al neaplicării direcțiilor așa cum sunt ele stipulate în Cartea Mare și am fost nevoită să trăiesc cu aceste consecințe. M-am învîrtit în cercul adicției mulți ani, însă nu am găsit nici o altă soluție care să funcționeze. Am această boală spirituală și astfel am nevoie de o soluție spirituală pentru a mă recupera.)
I have tried everything to recover from this disease: diets, nutritionists, exercising, psychologists, self-will, everything....and nothing has worked. I always come back to the same place exhausted and defeated. And beside the physical pain, the mental and emotional pain is worse, when I try to run on self-will and control something that I have no power over. I am constantly in conflict within myself and others as long as I continue to try to control this disease and myself and others. I know that if I continue to be in the disease it will finally destroy me. As long as I think that I can control my behavior and my way of handling things, for sure I am going to be in the same place or worse in the future, so I have to seriously think if this is what I really want for myself. There is no other way to be ok for me. It is my responsibility to get recovered, so it is me that has to make the decision and take the action. (Am încercat orice mi-a trecut prin minte să mă recuperez din această boală: diete, nutriționiști, exerciții fizice, psihologi, puterea voinței...și nimic nu a funcționat. M-am întors mereu în acelaș loc obosită și înfrântă. Și pe lângă durerea fizică, durerea mentală și emoțională este și mai rea.)
I have found real peace and freedom from this disease only when I was and when I am following all the directions from the BB and only when I am rigorously honest with my sponsor. So that's how I work, as does my sponsor and countless others and we have all got recovered. I don't follow any food plans or diet sheets, I only work from the BB and I will always help a still suffering COE because that's what keeps me well. So please free to get in touch for a chat. 
I use Skype or WhatsApp, and I systematically take a person through the steps very quickly. So if you are prepared to take some serious action to get recovered then please get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hugs and love